I'm in Atlanta and have been sleeping all day. Last night, I woke myself up coughing my head off and couldn't stop. I was so embarrassed to wake my host up that I initially declined the offer for cough-drops, taking a good size swig of nyquil and willing the coughing to stop. I could feel the sick-girl pathetics wanting to come out, the desire to be held and have my head stroked.. but alas, there are no lovers anywhere near and there wont be for god knows how long. Or mothers. Lovers or mothers. None the less, after holding back more coughs I decided those hall's drops sounded like a great idea, and fell asleep after just one. Thanks, J.
Right now, I'm just enjoying hiding out at someone's house and napping and being lazy. He gave me a key so I could come and go as I like, but I've just stayed right here on this couch, reading, writing and napping. And plotting my next moves. Unfortunately, I don't have many shoots here in Atlanta, but at the same time, I don't really mind. I don't mind not shooting massively, just as long as I have enough to keep me going. I've been meeting great people and getting into some sort of rhythm. Making friends and I believe the second loop around will be better than the first. Maybe that's the point of this trip- just finding myself and doing what I need to do to settle into my own skin. Which is working out fabulously, by the way.
I find it interesting, how the rumors fly about. About me, about other people. But I don't blame anyone, and think us girls, we should stick together. I don't hate anyone, I actually adore most everyone I know and know of and have a lot of love, I swear. I hate when bitches hate eachother, and I've always been of the mind set to be friends with everyone. Maybe because I wasn't treated very well through school.
It's interesting how we all want to go back and say this and that about our upbringing. I moved around a lot, and have never lived in one spot longer than five years, and average out on three or four years. I've moved, God, half a dozen times in the last two years, maybe more. Every time with the intention of downsizing to prepare myself for what I'm doing right now. I love it. That I'm actually doing it. And my life is so much better. So far. Knock on wood.
The above photo is taken from the airplane flying from Raleigh to Orlando. I love flying. My grandfather has a small Cessna from the 70's and I've been flying since I was two, and never get sick of looking out the window. The clouds are beautiful, the world is beautiful, and I think you really see it when you're up in the air. I get all excited, but this time I have no one to share it with.
I miss my sister. She's in Hong Kong now, so I can't call her anymore, and it's killing me already.
Upon boarding the plane (I've only flown commercially VERY few times, like twice.) I asked this girl if I could sit next to her, next to the window, and she smiled and said yes. She was pretty and reminded me somewhat of Rachael but sure as shit, she wasn't anything like Rachael, she was a fucking cunt. I didn't realize until I saw she had an iphone and I asked her if she had a charger, she said yes and I was like "Oh! Can I borrow it!?" and looked around quick for outlets, and saw there were none, "oh, no outlets."
Her mother curls her lip at me, "There are not outlets on planes," and they both look at me like I just puked on her daughters wedding dress.
"Oh. Well. There are on trains.." and later I felt like rambling off to the mouth, and wish I had, saying, well on Grandpa's plane there were cigarette lighters and if a small plane like that could have four of those, don't you think a huge boeing 787 has fuckin outlets somewhere on it?!? Maybe it was excessive for me to think it probable, but give it time, I bet there will be.
I spent the rest of the ride looking out the window and dreaming about what I will do with my life and what this stupid brat wont be doing, which is having my fun life. Her mother talks to her about a boy she met who has a girlfriend and they're sitting there chatting like they're friends and I end up feeling bad for both of them and their small brains.
Anyway, I'm rambling because I got my feeling hurt.
My point is, is that I'm the girl gawking out the window of airplanes. I also feel pretty cool that I sorta know what goes into landing a plane, and kick myself everytime I don't do things like ask to take a picture of the pilot in the cockpit.
cockpit. hah.